My vision of Health Coaching.

After spending the last year in Europe I became a certified Health Coach/Nutritionist. And it totally changed my life and health.

I believe that 70% of our health depends on nutrition. Of course, we can’t overlook genetics, but our actions 100% determine how we feel now and how we will feel in 5-10 years.

Diseases do not appear just like that, overnight, out of nowhere. This is a cumulative effect, when a person eats unhealthy food for years, doesn't sleep, smokes/drinks, have a sedentary lifestyle, and so on - and even if he feels good for now, one day the body will use up all its resources (which this person does not replenish), and it will “break”. But this didn’t happen in one day.

Therefore, it will take a long time to restore and help the body. This is not happening on a juice diet for 1 week. This is a very big and energy-consuming work.

But the most beautiful thing about this is that once you start, and work hard for 1,3,6 months, or maybe a year, then it will no longer be something difficult, it will not be your “job”, it will be your normal way of life, new habits. And you won’t remember how it was before. This is a wonderful feeling, but in order to come to it, you really need 1 - to want it, to really want it with all your body and mind, and 2 - to be ready to work, work and work. Not for someone, but for yourself. Not because it’s necessary, or you must but because it’s your CHOICE to be healthy and live a long, healthy, happy full life.


My Story