
About me and my journey.

Hello, I’m Kate Drapova, Holistic Health-Coach.

My interest in nutrition began in 2019 with a desire to fix my own health problems, and establish a healthy lifestyle. After a lot of personal research and a few online courses I decided to dive in fully and get certified. In 2022 I enrolled in and finished a certification program to become a health-coach. Through this process I started supporting my family and friends and developed a huge passion to help as many people as possible.

My main goal is to help my clients find and maintain the healthiest version of themselves. Through thorough examination of nutritional habits and deficiencies, sleep patterns, stress management and physical activity we work together to achieve the client’s goals and develop a permanent and sustainable relationship with their own health. Our body is our temple. We should take care of it. And I’m here to help you on every step of your health journey!


By applying preventive measures we improve the state of human health by food and modification of lifestyle, deficits restoration, applying physical activity, healthy practices and healthy habits, working with circadian rhythms and sleep regulation, by stress correction.

Consultations will help you if you want to:

  • lose weight

  • gain weight

  • be healthy and confident

  • overcome sugar addiction

  • solve skin problems

  • improve sleep

  • work with GI tract problems

  • stay fit not only before summer

  • learn how to plan you diet

  • balance hormones

  • and more

I work with root cause, not a symptom..


How the Coaching Program works

  • You sign up for Coaching Program.

  • I send you questionnaires to fill, in order to see your requests, goals and complaints.

  • Within 3 days you:

  • fill it and send me back + your tests if you have any.

  • take a pictures of everything you eat and send it to me.

  • I get a clinical picture.

  • We have a first consultation for about 60 minutes

    (cost of consultation is US 200$, that will be included in your Coaching Program payment), where I will gather your data, identify and clarify your goals, will understand you better. I will also explain how we will communicate, how work will look like in details. We TOGETHER create an initial action plan.

  • We have weekly check-in video calls.

  • I guide you during whole month on each step, make an adjustments where needed.

  • I check your food every day in our app, answer any questions, help and support during your whole journey.

Let food be your medicine, and let medicine be your food.
— Hippocrate

Contact me

Whether you are based in Los Cabos or on the other side of the world, I've got you covered! I offer both offline and online consultations via video calls. You can sign up for the Coaching Program for 1/3/6 months. For booking or any questions contact me through the form below. 

What you get?

  1. Analysis of your medical history, current health, symptoms, diet and lifestyle.

  2. Recommendations for supplement, dietary changes, activity modification and sleep/stress management.

  3. Weekly 1 on 1 meetings for 60 minutes.

  4. My feedback via text or app 7 days a week for questions, complaints, support etc.

  5. Access to recipes, ingredients and meal suggestions.

  6. Personal and real-time adjustments as we go, catered to the client and their specific development.